Hygiene and safety is now more important to your guests than ever before.
And so is their feedback for you.
Don’t miss out on any valuable insights – offer the choice of a touch-free feedback option for your customers.
Simply add SmartCode to your survey kiosks today.
SmartCode is our latest survey feature that has been developed with your customers in mind – to make them feel safe when giving you feedback.
SmartCode generates a code on your kiosk that customers can scan on their own mobile phones to start your survey. They can then safely provide feedback on their own phone. In most cases there isn’t a need to install an app as smartphones will automatically detect the QR code.
Unlike a traditional static QR Code, SmartCode is dynamic and regenerates every few seconds.
That way the code is short-lived and can only be used once. This prevents it from being shared online, so you can be confident the respondents are your genuine customers.
- Use alongside our antibacterial screens for added protection if respondents choose to leave feedback on your survey device
- Add SmartCode to your existing digital signage
- Customers also have the option of using a short URL together with a secure access code instead of scanning the code
- Compatible with Avius survey alerts – you’ll still get notified of any negative feedback within 30 seconds
- Results appear as normal with other feedback
Keep your customers safe and never miss out on valuable feedback.
Contact us today to add SmartCode to your survey kiosks.